10 Signs You’re Not Good at Giving Advice

When a friend is having a bad day or just looks particularly sad you’re likely to go up to them and ask what’s wrong. It’s a common reaction that all friends have. The person may be willing to open up to you, but that doesn’t always mean that you’re the right person they should be talking to. Sometimes as much as we would love to help people and give them advice, we’re just bad at giving it. If you know you’re bad at it then you can at least be there to support your friend. But sometimes people just don’t know they’re bad at giving advice, so here are 10 signs that you are.

10. You say “I’m sorry” a lot. When people need advice, they don’t want to just hear “I’m sorry” because sorry doesn’t really do anything. You may not have known what else to say, but sometimes not saying anything at all works too.


9. You ask too many questions. Asking questions is a good way to get a feel for the situation, but you need to know your limit. Continuously asking a million questions won’t make the person feel better it’ll just make them feel like they’re being interrogated.







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