10 Times Your Best Friend is Actually Your Soulmate (2)

8. She’s the only one who won’t judge you for the potentially insane thoughts and ideas you may have

She doesn’t think its weird that you’re fantasizing about running over the pedestrians in the road just because you’re hungry, because her brain works the same way. Honestly, she’s probably the only person you know who will yell “OH MY GOD ME TOO” in response to almost anything you say. Chances are you probably can’t think of a time when you’ve crossed the line into psycho because at this point, there’s nothing you can say to scare her away.

7. She’s always there to facilitate delinquency

After hours of day drinking, your best friend/soulmate is the only person convincing enough to get you to rally up and start drinking again. She’s already running to the speakers with your favorite song ready to play because she knows exactly how to pump you up. She’ll be the one who thinks it a great idea to play beer games with jungle juice, the one who will hold your dress while you wall-twerk, and the one who suggests chasing shots with water…or wine.next

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