17 Aspects of College People Don’t Tell You About (2)

13. You will need extra help in certain classes- So don’t be afraid to go to your professor during all of their office hours if that’s what you need. Ask other people in your class too.

12. The first people you meet do not have to be your best friends- You’ll latch onto the first people you decide are your friends out of fear of not meeting other people, but I promise you will meet other people and if you end up not meshing with those original friends it is totally okay.

11. When it comes to going out do what you want to do- Do not let other people impact what you want to do whether you are someone who likes going out a lot or someone who doesn’t enjoy it so much. Don’t let others judge you for what you decide either.

10. Loneliness will happen- Whether you just had to spend the whole day doing homework, or all of your friends are busy, so you were forced to be alone with Netflix all day by yourself, you will feel alone, especially because your friends are still new. Call your mom or just go somewhere to be around people, and know the feeling will pass.

9. Become acquaintances with at least one person in every class- Not only will this help you if you need to ask someone a question on the homework, but at some point you will run into them again in a club or something similar, and now you have someone you can talk to/trust.


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