25 Things Every College Student Needs To Hear Heading Into Finals


Article Originally Published On ReadUnWritten

College can be daunting. The work can be as tough as a b*tch. The professors might be useless. You may not always love the people sharing your classroom. You may realize you chose the wrong major. Some boys can be jerks and some girls you get stuck with may simply be the product of another Mean Girls’ sequel.

There are dozens of stories, all indicating why college is the best four years of your life. The endless parties, lifelong friends, and the prospects of a bright, rich future awaiting all of us at the finish line. But no one dares to dig deeper, into a reality that may not be all rainbows and sunshine. No matter which major you choose, it’s no secret that your journey through it all is no easy ride.

Because we all know the workload can become too much and heartbreak never helps you to get through your finals week. Friends who turn out not to be friends at all don’t do you any justice, along with an endless to-do list each college student has to face every day.

Trust me, I’ve been there. But I never gave up. And neither will you.

So, if you ever feel lost, overwhelmed, or alone in your journey to success, I want you to remember this VIA ReadUnWritten:

25. Your GPA won’t mean a damn in ten years.

24. You have the right to cry when times get tough.

23. Pulling all-nighters won’t do your brain, nor your skin any good.

22. Always ask questions.

21. If you can’t change the situation, change your state of mind.

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