8 Dumb Blonde Moments We’ve All Had

8. Running into something while texting or in general just being oblivious to the world when you are on your phone.


7. Not hearing the question someone just asked you.


6. Getting distracted by an attractive guy/girl or their physical “attributes”.


5. Agreeing and talking about something completely different from what the other person said.


4. Losing your keys/phone/hair tie, then freaking out only to realize that it was in your pocket the entire time.


3. When everyone is talking about the latest current event and you have no idea what happened because you were too busy catching up on Game of Thrones.


2. Thinking you maxed out your credit card when you’ve just been swiping the wrong side for 20 minutes.


1. Not being able to function simply because you are just so damn tired.

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