13 Lyrics That Made Us Love Lana Del Rey

Lyrics to our favorite songs have a way to move us, especially when it’s someone who is singing with such wisdom and passion. Lana Del Rey is not only amazingly awesome, but her songs are


13 Lyrics That Made Us Love Lana Del Rey (2)

9.) “Yo soy la princesa, comprende mis white lines,” – Ultraviolence Many of Lana’s songs are bilingual, and this is no exception. The Spanish sounds so right with her voice, and “I am the princess,


13 Lyrics That Made Us Love Lana Del Rey (3)

5.) “Darling, darling, doesn’t have a problem, lying to herself ’cause her liquor’s top shelf,”  – Carmen Using alcohol to cope with our problems is common, and when we’re able to cope with our issues,


An Open Letter to the College That Denied Me

Dear College That Denied Me, I’m going to walk through the process of discovering you so you can fully understand my investment. I discovered you after a short amount of research on the internet for


An Open Letter to the College That Denied Me (2)

The mixed cocktail of sadness, self doubt, and numbness washed over me with a force as powerful as a tsunami. I self reflected for a weeks when people asked me what ever happened to you,


10 Types Of Students That Piss Me Off

Let me paint a picture in your head. You’re walking to class, side by side with your friends, having a good time making fun of your Calc professor because he sagged his pants today when


10 Types Of Students That Piss Me Off (2)

8.) The ones that are always drunk College is supposed to be the time of your life, we’re young and wild and free right? That’s all fine and dandy until you come to class still


10 Types Of Students That Piss Me Off (3)

6.) Freshmen Watch These are the groups of upperclassmen that stereotype the Freshmen and claim they can “smell fresh meat from a mile away.” They often see themselves as never being Freshmen in their entire


10 Types Of Students That Piss Me Off (4)

4.) Extreme Slackers Don’t get it twisted, everyone in college is a slacker to some extent, but students like these treat it like a sport. They know that they (or their parents if they’re lucky)


10 Types Of Students That Piss Me Off (5)

2.) Faux Freshmen Faux Freshmen: The freshmen that took classes for college credit in high school and have enough credits to be considered a Sophomore. You’ll hear phrases like, “Well, technically I’m a sophomore but