In The End, We All Die: We Are Just Bones

There have been many disagreements within, not just in the United States, but in the world about equality between everything: race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and almost anything you can think of. The most previous event that hurt so many people is an extremely difficult subject to talk about, but I am writing about it because it deserves the recognition.

The Orlando Mass Shooting is marked as the worst mass shooting in United States history. It is heartbreaking and sickening to know how many lives we lost. Of course any type of shooting is horrible, regardless of who is targeted, but nobody should have to live in fear every day because of someone that feels it necessary to wake up one morning and decide to take the lives of innocent people that simply just want to live their life. The sexual orientation of someone shouldn’t be the reason that they are scared to leave their home. One man thought that it was okay to ruin the lives of so many people, that’s all it took, just one man. Why is it okay for someone to do that? Why does it matter if a man loves another man or a woman loves another woman or if a man wakes up one day and decides he wants to become a woman? It shouldn’t matter because it THEIR life, THEIR personal choice, THEIR happiness. Leave them alone, they haven’t caused any harm.

We as human beings should work together as a whole and stop fighting over everything. I only have one voice, one opinion, one choice, but mine should still count for something. Mine should count just as much as the next person. You don’t know who I am, what I do, but what you do know, I am a person, I have feelings, morals, views, family, friends, pets, and I have a life that I am happy with. My best friend hasn’t had it so easy, and it pains me to see what he’s gone through. I have been there since day, and there hasn’t been a moment where I would ever think of leaving his side. It hurts me knowing that he’s lost friends and family, because of who he chooses to love. He should be allowed to love someone just as much as I should. He shouldn’t feel scared of what other people may think about him.  

The LGBT gets one day to feel safe and comfortable going out, whereas everybody else gets their whole life. Getting one day isn’t enough, they should feel safe and comfortable their whole life, but instead they’re judged everyday, and laughed at, and kicked out of their home because their parents don’t want anything to do with them. It’s unfair because I can love my boyfriend, but my best friend is not allowed to love his without feeling like someone might make a rude comment. In the end, we are all human, we are all people that have feelings, and we will all end up the same, we are just bones.

Breakups are hard, especially if you were in love. When your partner—or you—decide to end a relationship, the resulting fallout is among the scariest and most painful things a human can experience. The pain—scientifically speaking—is very real.


That means you need to be absolutely sure you want to end a relationship—otherwise, the pain isn’t worth it. Ask yourself important questions like, “Am I jumping to conclusions?” before making any decision. A common mistake people make is thinking their spouse is the one and only obstacle to their happiness. This is usually an exaggeration and psychologists recommend you slow down and think it through.

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Another thing you should consider is your own standard. Is it too high? You might expect waaay too much from your spouse. You have to remember, your spouse is still human, and nobody’s perfect. Everyone knows Prince Charming doesn’t exist. Take some time to consider the reality of your relationship. They might be forgetful or are losing their looks, but they probably have some great qualities you don’t even consider.


Of course, sometimes relationships are just bad, and ending them is the correct approach. However, how you decide to cut the cord is very important. Just leaving them a text or Facebook message is very mean and disrespectful. The proper way to do it is in person, at a safe place. You have to clear about your feelings and intentions. This won’t make the breakup easy, but it will make it easier, for both of you.

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And then, there’s relationships you absolutely do not care one iota about, relationships you want to end as quickly as possible. These relationships tend to shallow and sometimes toxic, and the person you’re breaking up with doesn’t matter to you one bit. If that’s the dilemma in your current love life, Twitter’s got your back with #NiceWaysToDumpSomeone.


Keep reading to find out about Twitter’s hilarious—and possibly ill-advised—relationship advice

I’m sure we’ve all been there. You’re staring at someone across the room, maybe checking them out. You know, sizing them up, seeing if you think they’re cute or not…or maybe they’re wearing something interesting; you’re like “Dang, I need to go compliment them on that shirt.” There’s no way they’re going to happen to look in your direction…there’s so much else going on for them to pay attention to.

Health Magazine

But then, out of nowhere, the person you were staring at turns their head and looks directly at you. You panic, turn the other way and try to pretend that you were doing something else. But I know, and they know and you know that you were giving them the old once over and there’s nothing you can do to hide that. As embarrassing as it is, this happens to people in public all the time.


Especially in high school, I remember looking at the back of someone’s head in class for a little bit. They’d just be chilling there but, all of a sudden, would turn around and stare right at me. And the same is true of the other way around; I’ve caught people staring at me from afar. But how did I know that someone was staring at me?


It turns out, science has a few answers for why this mysterious phenomenon occurs. You know, that feeling of being watched you get sometimes when you’re surrounded by people? That small uncomfortable pang that your actions are being watched, maybe even assessed by someone around you? And then you look around to find that, yes, indeed, someone was staring at you.


It’s downright spooky when that happens. And, according to a new scientific study, this sixth sense actually hard-wired into our brains. Sometimes, in fact, we can feel as though someone’s looking at us even when we’re not being watched. One of the reasons this occurs has to do with humans’ fascination with eyes. They’re often called “the window into the soul”.

National Review

Keep reading to find out where this obscure paranoia comes from.

Kissing is great. Kissing is, like, the best thing ever. Well, maybe not, but it’s up there. Locking lips is such a versatile practice of showing human emotion and affection. For every person you meet, you can have your first smooch with them. That’s not as important as your first kiss ever, obviously, but it’s a new experience you can always have when you start to get to know someone.


The first kiss you share with someone is almost magical; some might even say that the first kiss is the best kiss in the entire relationship, or at least serves as the basis for every other lip smack to come. And, hopefully, there will be many more, for kissing your partner or loved one is a surefire way to show them that you care- and it’s pretty fun, too!


However, on the other side of the coin, you never know if your next kiss with someone is going to be your last kiss with him or her. So you have to make each smooch count because there’s only a finite number of tongue tucks you can experience in your lifetime. Different cultural interpretations of kissing only adds to the intrigue behind the lip lock.

Women Planet

Depending on where you are in the world and what situation you’re in, kisses can denote love, passion, romance, thankfulness, sexual attraction or friendship. In that way, each kiss is like a piece of art.  Not only is each unique to the person who creates it, but it can mean something different to everyone who experiences it. Your kisses might come off as too angsty or too sweet depending on who you’re kissing.

Days of the Year

In this manner, the kiss can be our greatest too as well as our strongest weapon. Still, regardless of the repercussions, you can’t deny that kissing is just plain fun. A kiss is special; even though kissing is enjoyable, you can’t just go around kissing everyone or it wouldn’t mean anything. Why, then, do we enjoy kissing? What is it about this specific gesture that excites us?

Slate Magazine

It turns out, science has some answers to these questions. Keep reading to learn about why humans kiss to display affection.

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