Necessary Tips to Survive College As Told By TV Show Parks And Recreation

There are many more phrases in Parks and Rec than this twenty which could be used to live by in college, but I thought these were some of the best.

20.  Don’t be afraid to actually say “hi” to someone who you knew in high school.

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19. It is okay to answer a question in class! You will stand out to the teacher, which may give you a “one-up” on the rest of the class. Just MAKE SURE you know what you are saying before you say it.


18. If you do get asked a question and you don’t know the answer, just say something that sounds educated.

10 Reasons Andy Dwyer From "Parks And Recreation" Should Be Your Best Friend

17. Don’t feel like you have to automatically get a boyfriend or girlfriend right when you step foot on campus. Give it time; test out the new pool of people.


16. Alcohol may be something that gets you through college, but don’t be stupid with it. Be sure you have a ride and time to recover from the hangover.


15. Make sure you have a friend to keep you from embarrassing yourself if you have one too many.


14. Don’t get drunk if you have an early class the next morning. You will regret it.


13. If you go to a party and you don’t know how to dance, do it anyway. Just not like this.

12. Be the exception: don’t gain the Freshman 15. There is other food other than junk food or pizza at 4:00 am.  Don’t be Ron Swanson; yes, eggs and bacon are amazing, but maybe eat a vegetable every once in a while.

all eggs and bacon

11. Take advantage of the gym. You have to pay fees for it anyway, so you might as well use it.

10 Reasons Andy Dwyer From "Parks And Recreation" Should Be Your Best Friend

10. College can be a time of money stress, making you a “broke college kid,” but don’t forget to splurge on a little something every once in a while.


9. Make sure you don’t find yourself acting just like someone else. You will find people like you, so don’t bother trying to be someone you aren’t.

8. Grades are important, but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get an “A” on everything.

7. Keep it classy. Just because your parents aren’t there to check what you are wearing doesn’t mean you should go and dress scandalously.

6. If you get sick, actually go to the doctor.

5. Learn how to cook more than ramen noodles; it will come in handy later on in life.

10 Reasons Andy Dwyer From "Parks And Recreation" Should Be Your Best Friend

4. Make at least one spur of the moment, spontaneous decision. You’ll never forget it. (Just make sure it isn’t something that will get you arrested.)

3. Don’t be one of those people who is constantly on social media. Actually interact with the people around you; you might make a few friends.

2. In times of sadness, always remember:

1. College will go by even faster than high school did, so enjoy every minute of it. Don’t sweat the small stuff, and live it to the fullest so in the end you can say:


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