Why Your Next Love Should Be Boxed Wine

Sure, we’re college students and we can only drink what we can afford, but when it comes to wine sometimes the cheapest thing out there is pretty good. From a 3 liter bag of Red Cat, to some Franzia (White Zinfandel) boxed wine that’s less than $20. They all make great “go to” drinks

Most people who drink wine either become happy drunks or super sleepy drunks but if you’re lucky it makes you happy because who doesn’t love that candy-like taste? Unlike hard alcohol it goes down easy and it tastes good. The best part about boxed wine is how it is conveniently located in a box, I mean what’s better than “slapping the bag.”

1. Boxed wine will never leave you- It’s here and it’s here to stay… or until they stop selling it.


2. It doesn’t judge you. Boxed wine is always looking out for your best interests except when you start dancing on tables… but hey at least you’re not that drunk crying girl in the corner, right? … except until you are.


3. It’s easy to communicate with- the box literally says, “Turn to open” I mean there’s no beating around the bush there.


4. It isn’t clingy- If anything you’re the stage five clinger because you’re buying it (at least) twice a week. But hey, it can’t break up with you so don’t stop now!!



5. It goes everywhere with you- you can bring that box everywhere, and it fits nicely in the fridge… what more could you ask for?


The only time boxed wine will ever cheat on you is when people are slapping the bag. Just remember it’s never personal.

I’m just a sophomore at St. John Fisher College who loves writing and chocolate chip cookies.

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