Where You Sit In Class And What It Says About Your Personality

What are you thinking when you walk into a classroom or lecture hall and choose your seat?  You’re probably just looking for the most comfortable, least miserable place to spend the next hour or so of your life.  If you get there early, you have tons of available spots to choose from.  If you arrive late, you might have to just take what’s available.

Underneath the surface, though, there’s a lot more going on than simply deciding where to sit.  Like most everything you do, where you choose to sit in class says a lot about your personality.  Here’s a handy guide that will help you understand what you’re saying with your choice of seat.

8) In the back row.

“I really don’t want to be here, so I’m going to sit in the very back where I can fall asleep, or surf Facebook without anyone looking over my shoulder at the screen.”

7) In the front row.

“I want the professor to see my face everyday and know who I am.  That way, he’s more likely to bump up my grade when I need an extra half point.  At least, that’s what the article in Seventeen Magazine told me.”


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