Sorority Rush as Told by Disney Princesses

If you’re in greek life, you know by now that spring rush season is nearly over, and gone with it is the excitement and anxiety leading up to recruitment.

You spent month picking out the perfect outfits to match each theme, and decorations for rush events, hours were spent doing hair, applying and reapplying makeup. And who can forget the anxiety that your VP of recruitment and rush committee were under picking out the perfect cupcakes to match each theme of rush week, which of course went completely untouched by the nervous PNMs.

Recruitment is completely hectic and stressful, to say it wasn’t for your chapter and that every year rush is a breeze that goes completely perfectly, would be a lie. But, somehow every year your sorority comes together as a sisterhood and manages to pull it off and gain some pretty cool new members in the process.

Teamwork and the strength of sisterhood within a chapter is what makes for a successful rush, and who knows more about these ideals, with all their wit, charm and loyalty, then Disney princesses?







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