13 Things Only Your Roommate Knows About You

Like a lot of people, my roommate is my best friend. Going beyond being my best friend, she knows far too much about me that no one else would know unless they’ve lived with me.


15 Interesting Uses For Alcohol (When You’re Not Drinking It)

Ah, the alcoholic beverage. Beer, wine, vodka. Oh, the conversations they inspire and the memories they create. Once you’ve had a sip too many, there is never a dull moment. But the fun doesn’t end


Expectations Vs. Reality: Living With Friends

The first thing most girls think about when they consider living with friends is the amazingness that will be: surrounding yourself with your favorite people 24/7. It sounds like the perfect situation. Who could ask


10 Struggles Only SCAD Students Would Understand

SCAD is dubbed “The University for Creative Careers.” Rightfully so, this is the school that provides you with real-world experience in your creative major. This means impossible deadlines, sleepless nights and numb fingers. Gear up, SCADDIES!


20 Gross Things You’ll Inevitably Encounter While Living In A Dorm

When you’re finally living on your own, you’ll come across a few gross things you would never encounter at home. Almost everyone has to endure the special kind of hell that is living in a