An Open Letter To Parents and Students on Freshman Move-In Day

Freshman move-in day is one of the most bizarre and emotional days in a person’s life. Not just for the student, but for the entire family. It’s the first day you really grow up and


15 Things Sophomore Year Has Taught Me

The year of the sophomore slump leads you to learning a lot. It isn’t freshman year anymore and you’re starting to find your place on campus along with everyone else. You’re no longer the youngest


10 Types of People You See at the Cafeteria

All dining halls are the same. It doesn’t matter where you go to college, but each cafeteria has the same crappy food and the same group of people crowding around the tables. It is safe


15 Thoughts During My First Month of College

15. “I’ve Got This.” I swear to you this was my main idea during that first month. I can do this; I will beat the statistics that say this “transition” is difficult. I won’t be like


20 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your First Semester Of College 2

15. Partying Hey, it’s one of the social aspects of college that’s hard to come by once you graduate. Obviously you shouldn’t do anything excessive, but it helps to get comfortable with this type of