Top 100 Largest High Schools in America. Did You Attend One Of Them?

FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM HERE —> @UPrimetime To make this list you have to have well over 3000 students at your school to make the cut! Now that’s a lot of book bags, drivers permits,


10 Things I See Now In College That I Didn’t See in High School

10. I’m Not As Great As I Think I Am: Let’s be honest, high school is the prime time in which we puff up our pride. And pride, is a person’s greatest downfall. Arrogance will get


10 Things I Wish I Had Realized While In High School

If I could write a letter to my past high school self, there are a few things I would let them know. 10. There’s No Shame In Going To Bed Early If your friends are


20 Thoughts High School Seniors Have While Waiting To Start College

Being a high school senior is a very exciting time for a young person.  They’re sending out graduation announcements, attending parties, and receiving gifts in the mail.  The best part is what’s coming later, though.  Waiting


Why Going Home For School Breaks is Like a HS Reunion You Don’t Want To Have

You might realize that you whenever you go home for break – winter, summer or spring – you always seem to run into people you went to high school with. Whether you come from a small town


10 Reasons We Actually Miss High School

Photo credit: Easterling Studios High School- the time of life that we hated being in, but wish we could go back to sometimes. Admit it, you can’t help but reminisce. 10. Class Size. I miss


Why College is Harder than High School

Although High School is a very challenging stage in everyone’s life, College maintains a slight lead over High School in its toughness level.   10. YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN! Unlike High School, your Mom cannot


20 Skills You Need In College That No One Ever Taught You

Your high school teachers were supposed to prepare you with all the knowledge you’d need for college and for general adulthood too.  They tried their best, and so did your parents, but unfortunately there are


20 Skills They Told You You’d Need In College, But You Actually Don’t

When you were in high school, I’m sure your teachers talked constantly about how they were preparing you for college and teaching you the things you’d absolutely need to know when you got there.  A lot