Things You Should Know About Dating The Independent Girl

“Dancing on my own, making moves up as I go”

We’re going solo, and no, we’re not talking about the 2003 Kelly Clarkson hit single. We’re talking about the I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T female, and the guide on everything you need to know about her.

If we can do it on our own, we probably will.

From taking on the world, to fixing cars, they don’t call us independent for nothing. Asking for help is a rarity, and we only do it when we have to.



And no, we don’t look like Megan Fox doing it.

We have standards.

And they’re pretty darn high. Independent girls NEVER settle. The fact that you care, love, and respect us means more than you know. So if you’re reading this, congrats on having your shit together.

Our love is rare.

Other than friends and family, we don’t mess around with love often. Know that if we love you, we mean it. For every independent woman, is someone who made us this

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