Top 75 Colleges With Overall Best Quality Of Life

When we looked at other websites to see how they did their rankings, they said they were based on students’ answers to several survey questions, including how they rate the beauty, safety, and location of their campus; their campus dorms and food; their ease in getting around the campus and in dealing with the administration; the friendliness of fellow students and interaction among different student types on campus; and their overall happiness. 

Quality of Life is sort of a hodgepodge category intended to capture how much students want to go to a particular school, how much they want to stay there, and how good the school is at keeping them there once they are in.  It also measures the relative prestige of the school in terms of wealth, as well as the job opportunities available to students once they graduate by the number of companies recruiting on campus (both in terms of absolute numbers and per student). 

Because there are so many rankings that exist out there, we decided to come up with what we believe is our prime list of the top 75 overall colleges in the world for their quality of life. Here is what we came up with:

COMMENT in the comments section if you believe your college should’ve been ranked!

75. Temple University

74. University of Chicago

73. University of Oregon

72. University of Notre Dame

71. Amherst College

70. Duke Universityup-next-page

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