What Your Favorite Cocktail Says About Your Personality

We all have that go-to drink we always order at bars, try to replicate with friends and would replace our blood with if we could. A decorated cocktail is proud, with each ingredient adding to it’s personality. And the drink someone chooses says says a lot about theirs.



Those who choose this tequila-based classic love the summer, spending time on the beach and listening to mellow music. They are generally more relaxed, but have a spontaneous side that comes out with the right person. Or if they have one too many of their favorite drink.



Mojito lovers are suave, sarcastic and have a flare to their personality. Some may appear judgmental, but get to know a mojito-lover and you’ll see how much they care about the people around them.



Martini-lovers are that ambitious, yet somewhat pretentious guy who read “War and Peace” for fun in High School. They only drink on certain occasions and don’t understand the concept of getting drunk. A martini-lover only associates with people who they feel are truly influential and collegiate. They aren’t mean-spirited or hateful though, just kind of intimidating.


Cosmo fans are shrill and loud, but always fun to hang around with. Sometimes they try to put on a serious face to make themselves appear professional. When this fails, a cosmo fan will always show how passionate they want to be to get something accomplished.

Rum and Coke


Because we are in college, this is an essential cocktail. The drink is simple and straightforward, but the same does not always go for those who favor it. They are stubborn and will go to great lengths to prove themselves. This can be a good thing, until they are proven wrong.


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