Why Hate Love? Dating Is Good For You!

Your phone vibrates and you see that you have a new text from the cute guy you met at the bar last week. Without a second thought, you’re unlocking your phone and going to your messages, dying to know what he has to say. You probably let out a little squeal and update your friends with a group chat. You’re all working and compromising to formulate the perfect response, but then you have to wait. They all tell you not to send the message for at  least an hour, so you don’t seem too eager. What is wrong with that though? Why should we all act cold-hearted and give off a “IDGAF” attitude? It’s good to be excited about new romances and here is why:

1. You’ll get a better understanding of what you like- No one knows exactly what they like in a partner, unless they experience different qualities. The best way to know if you like or don’t like something your significant other does, is by living it and learning from different relationships.


2. You will leave your comfort zone- It is easy to get set in your ways when we are alone. You do the same thing day in and day out and you’d never think twice to change it. Dating will bring another person into the equation and they can convince you to try things you normally wouldn’t.


3. Communication skills- Being able to talk to anyone will increase, after being in a relationship. Nothing says compromise, like deciding between Dexter or Walking Dead on Netflix.


4. You’ll learn about rejection- Although no one wants to be rejected, it can be good for you. Being rejected from a date can make you more comfortable with the idea that we don’t always get what we want. It can also help you with rejection in other parts of  your life, like not getting the job you wanted.


5. You may actually meet the person you will marry, instead of missing your chance, because you waited two hours to answer a text.


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