10 Healthy Ways to Relieve Stress

Everybody gets stressed out, it’s just a part of life. We have a million things to do and 24 hours in a day simply isn’t enough. Instead of screaming at the top of your lungs, here are some healthy ways to relieve stress:


10. Listen to some good music. John Mayer and Mumford & Sons are both great stress relieving choices.

9. Drive. You don’t necessarily have to have a specific destination, just get in the car and go.

8. Go to the gym. It’s a drag, it’s a pain. But sweating out all the bad energy can really be beneficial for relieving stress.


7. Have a glass of wine or a beer. The wonders of a good drink continue to amaze me.

6. Don’t forget to sleep! The average person functions best on 8 hours of sleep, but if you feel like you need more, go for it! It’s important to be fully rested to kick the day’s ass like the bad bitch you are.




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