10 Healthy Ways to Relieve Stress (2)

5. Go shopping! Sometimes, we just need some retail therapy. Buy a new outfit, some new earrings, or a new pair of shoes. Treat yo-self bruh.

4. Take a long, hot, candle-lit bubble bath. The soothing smell of your eucalyptus candle and the warm water will refresh you like no other, putting you in the position to succeed.

3. Talk to your best friend, significant other, Mom or Dad-someone who knows you really well. The people you love most have this magical power of knowing exactly what to say and when to say it.

2. Make lists. The power of crossing an item off your list after it’s completed is so liberating and makes you feel like you’re really gettin’ shit done.

1. And lastly, just breathe. Take a deep breath, smell the damn roses. Life is too short to be stressed out. One day at a time, my friend, it’s all gonna be okay.

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