10 Reasons Why You Should Love Wine Way More Than You Already Do:

1. It’s bud­get friendly. Hello, $12 bot­tle of Bare­foot Moscato the size of a han­dle.
2. It makes us feel fancy. Like Iggy fancy. Come on, doesn’t incor­rectly pro­nounc­ing the French name make you feel more sophis­ti­cated too?
3. It’s the only alco­hol that has it’s own des­ig­nated day (Wine Wednes­day ay) how could you not love a head­liner like that?
4. It’s appro­pri­ate. You wouldn’t order shots of tequila when meet­ing your boyfriend’s par­ents at that upscale restau­rant, but you can order a glass of wine.
5. It’s also roman­tic! Noth­ing says romance quite like can­dles and a shared bot­tle of wine
6. It tastes bet­ter than basi­cally all other alcohol…and has the exact same effect
7. There’s so many vari­eties; there’s only so much coconut rum or vodka you can drink, and only so many fla­vors to choose from. Wine offers dif­fer­ent col­ors, tex­tures, and fla­vors.
8. Face it: you can’t swirl and sniff any other alco­hol in a glass and be taken seri­ously.
9. FREE WINE TASTINGS. A rea­son why vine­yards are awe­some.
10. It has less calo­ries than most other alco­holic beverages

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