10 Reasons Why She’s Not Texting You Back

Young woman checking social media on the toilet

There are an infinite number of reasons as to why she won’t text you back, but let’s be honest, we can probably narrow it down to a more manageable number. Here are the 10 reasons she’s not texting back.

1o. You used the “winky face” 

Come on now, you really used this “;)” this is 2015 bro, who doesn’t have emojis?


9. She’s busy dude

Outside of responding to your text messages, people do actually have lives. My advise, just be patient.


8. You’re being annoying

 Let’s face it, sometimes we can go a little overboard with the text messages. If she doesn’t respond right away, that does not give you the right to blow up her phone.


7. You are just too boring/ she isn’t interested

Be honest, you don’t really know how to keep a conversation going. Either you talk to much or not enough, either way, its not working for her. Stop going on and on about yourself or just filling conversations with “lol” and “yeah”. Say something meaningful.


6. She didn’t want to be rude and gave you her number to seem nice

It probably happens more than you realize guys. Don’t get down on yourself, just get back out there and find someone who actually cares.



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