10 Reasons You Hate Going Out (4)

4. The Bars/Frats are Disgusting
Your classmates aren’t the only nasty things you come in contact with on a night out. There are creepy old men, sticky bar stools, filthy frat houses, and GOD FORBID you need to use the bathroom. You are tempted to wear rubber gloves when using your college town’s public bathrooms because you know the last time they were cleaned was when your school opened in 1867.
3. You Have to Look Good
Most of us can agree that by the second week of class, we metaphorically throw our nice clothes out the window. Putting on make up becomes a special occasion, and you don’t plan on doing your hair until Christmas. But then you remember that you are supposed to look good when you go to the bar/parties, which completely throws off your “au natural” aesthetic. You’ll just end up wearing your one cute shirt out every weekend until somebody notices.

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