10 Struggles of Having a Messy Dorm (2)

5. You find things you didn’t even know you had. This could be a good thing or a bad thing. You might finally find that one thing you’e been looking for or you could end up finding something you never want to see (like old food).


4. You’d rather do anything than clean. Your room has gotten to the point where you don’t even know where to begin with when it comes to cleaning. You’ve probably tried to clean multiple times and then gave up halfway through because it didn’t seem to be getting any cleaner.


3. You can’t see the floor. You could probably make snow angels (minus the snow) because of the amount of clothes and other things on your floor. Or you could turn your room into a game of lava like when you were a kid where you try to not touch the floor because it’s “lava”. Either way it’s fun, but slightly gross.


2. The messiness starts to reflect other parts of your life. It may be hard to do work or concentrate on anything when you’re living in a mess and sometimes the mess in your room can make your head feel messy or disorganized too. Your room’s a hot mess and so are you.


1. Other people try to clean for you. If  you’ve ever had someone try to clean your room for you, then you definitely have a messy room. You could be jumping in joy that someone wants to clean your room so you don’t have to, but you know that if someone else tries to clean you wouldn’t know where anything is.


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