10 things that you CAN do on Postly that you SHOULDN’T do on Facebook

10 things that you CAN do on Postly that you SHOULDN’T do on Facebook

If you haven’t heard of Postly, you’re about to. It’s the best kept secret in social media. Private and exclusive, Postly is not for the masses–no “followers” or “likes” needed. It’s a network designed just for you, by you. Add the people who really matter in your life– your best friends, your Frat bros, your rock band (even add your family without giving them access to the rest of your network). Postly is the best place to share dynamic content (music, videos, photos etc…) in a way that’s more manageable than text-messaging, but safer and more private than the big networks that literally everyone and their grandmother uses now.

Here are 10 things you can do on Postly that you shouldn’t do on Facebook, or any other network for that matter:


10) Share a secret. You know that rush vote that is coming-up? Postly is perfect for sharing everything you need in the groups you easily set-up. Add or delete people with ease. No harm, no foul.

9) Plan a surprise party or just a party. Want to get ideas for a group gift, share music, venue locations or theme ideas? Do it on Postly and don’t worry about uninvited guests.

8) Bitch about your roommate. Everyone does, but don’t do it publicly–you still have to live together. Bitch all you want on Postly–these are the people who’ve got your back.

7) Profess your undying love for Professor Senpai. Hey– you love who or what you love, but profess it on Postly–no judging–it’s a safe place where you’ve created the trust.

6) Post Game of Throne Spoilers. Lament the death (or undeath) of your favorite character without ruining it for others.Don’t do it on Facebook, unless you want to be unfriended.

5) Post pictures from last Friday night. You’ve heard the saying–what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Well the same is true of Postly. Postly is private, it stays only with the groups within Postly, with whom you choose to share it.

4) Post your real thoughts. Discuss a political rant or an unpopular opinion intelligently with people you know (ie. No more youtube rhetoric, trolls, or strangers contributing their two cents.)

3) Share private pics. You know you shouldn’t post the inner workings of your life for everyone to see– your home, your family, your make up, your breakfast, your medical scar…it’s can be dangerous or just too private. Spare everyone else and use Postly, because there are people who really do care about everything about you.

2) Share your itinerary for your 3 week vacation along with emergency numbers just in case something happens to your house, car, Fluffy etc.. Ever heard of stalkers? Share that stuff on Postly with people who are looking out for you.

1) Be Yourself – you don’t have to compete for likes or comments anymore.


Best of all, Postly won’t robotically read your messages and feed you ad content based on buzz-words you’ve used.  Postly is a new network designed to eliminate the possibility of profile creeping, public embarrassment, viral sharing and social “clutter”.  Only people you know can add you.  And only people you approve can see what you post.  Because Postly is truly private, dare I say that this might possibly be the first safe place to be yourself online?… Imagine that.

Download Postly today and start using your private network.


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