10 Things To Know Before Dating A Girls’ Girl

When a group of girlfriends are single, we are used to doing everything together. When we wanted a date night, we text our roomies. When we wanted to Netflix & Chill (literally), we schedule a time to meet back at someone’s house. It does not matter what it is, we never question who to do it with.

So, when a guy is thrown into the mix, it can throw us off a little bit. Before you decide to commit to us and our weird habits, here are a few things you should know. (You can thank me later)

10. We need our girls’ nights.


Even if it sounds like nothing to you, we love to be able to unwind with friends in our biggest sweats and laugh. We can, and will, do that with you as well, but sometimes we need girl talk.

9. There are not really any secrets.


Of course, I know the limits and I know what is appropriate to tell them. However, they do/will know things about you that you have not told them because that is what our girl talk is sometimes.

8. If you lose us at the bar, we are probably in the bathroom or dancing with our girlfriends.


As stated earlier, we do somethings habitually with our girlfriends, and dancing in the middle of the dance floor is one of those things. When a good song comes on, we cannot help it. We scan the room for each other and meet in the middle.

7. We know that it is rarely the girl’s fault.


If, for whatever reason, there is a question about another girl, we know not to blame the girl. We know well enough by now that it is hardly ever the girl’s fault.

6. My girlfriends are going to accept you as one of us.


This means if you come over to pregame and one of us is still getting ready, she will most likely ask you if her hair looks okay. The longer we are together, the thinner the line between “her boyfriend” and “friend” will become. Embrace it.


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