10 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing In College 2

5. Studying abroad.

True, it’s expensive, but colleges try to make study abroad programs as accessible as possible, which means it’ll never be more cost-effective for you to travel the world while earning credits towards your degree.  Whether you study abroad for just a couple of weeks, or a whole semester, it will be one of those experiences you’ll cherish for the rest of your life.  If it’s at all possible, do it.

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Photo Credit: Tumblr

4. Putting yourself out there.

Okay, so that’s a pretty vague instruction, but what it means to “put yourself out there” is just to go outside your comfort zone and try things you’ve never tried before, or do things you’ve never done before.  As long as it’s not going to hurt you, there’s no reason not to experience everything you can.  So go on a road trip with a group of new friends, raise your hand and speak up in class more, or take up running just because you can.

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Photo Credit: Giphy

3. Being honest with yourself and others.

You’re an adult now, which means sooner or later, you’ll have to learn what it means to be a leader instead of a follower.  This is your life, so don’t waste these crucial years in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy, with friends you don’t really like, at a school that makes you miserable, or studying something you hate.  Sometimes it’s even harder to be honest with yourself than with other people, but you have to realize when something isn’t working for you, and then change it.

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Photo Credit: Wikia

2. Doing well in school.

If you don’t plan on going to grad school, chances are you’ll never really have to worry if you didn’t have the best GPA in college, but don’t let that be the reason you slack off in the course of your studies.  Maybe it sounds corny, but college is the time to learn everything you can and take pride in yourself while doing it.  It’s called higher education for a reason.  It’s kind of a privilege just to be there, so take advantage of it.

Photo Credit: Mr W Gifs

Photo Credit: Mr W Gifs

1. Being yourself.

It’s one of the hardest things in the world, mustering the courage to be yourself when it seems like everyone else is so much better, smarter, cooler, or whatever.  It’s not worth pretending to be someone you’re not just to make friends or fit in.  Most everyone you’ll meet in college is pretty damn accepting and probably just as eager as you to impress people.  It’s hard, but you have to just be you, and know that you’re good enough without putting on a mask or acting like someone you’re not.

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Photo Credit: Tumblr

IMAGES: The Prospect | Tumblr | Giphy | Wikia | Mr W Gifs | WordPress | Imgur | Pinterest

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