10 Times Phoebe And Joey From Friends Got Us Into The Holiday Spirit (2)

5) If you need any help finishing off those Thanksgiving leftovers, just do as Joey did, borrow Phoebe’s stretchy maternity pants to finish off that turkey.

4) There’s nothing like someone dressed up as Santa ringing a bell for Salvation Army donations right outside Macy’s to make you feel guilty and donate a couple dollars after some holiday shopping. And of course Phoebe being the humanitarian, and easily turning into Street Phoebe, to stop people from throwing trash into the donations bucket.

3) Who says you can’t overdress when its cold out, 6 sweaters might just be enough to keep you warm…or provide cushion from a crazy girl who keeps hitting you.

2) When Joey sells Christmas trees and Phoebe goes to visit him at work thinking he is providing happiness to families, until she finds out about the chipper.

1) After that horrific scene, Phoebe comes home to an apartment full of Christmas trees which Joey saved from the chipper.

Merry Christmas or if you prefer, Happy Holidays from Phoebe and Joey!

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