The 10 Types Of Fraternity Guys In Every Chapter

The 10 Types Of Fraternity Guys In Every Chapter
There are stereotypes of everything in college, especially in fraternities. Here are 10 types of fraternity guys you always come across in every chapter.

Fraternity boys are one of my favorite things that I am currently studying in school. Whether it’s someone I met in class, at a frat parties, or someone who lives on my floor, my interactions with frat boys range in scope of understanding what type of person they are. I’m sure that being in a fraternity amplifies certain personalities and attributes, but through my research, I discovered that there are indeed stereotypes that ring true for the majority of fraternities.

Here are 10 types of fraternity guys that you come across in every chapter:

10.) The All-American Boy


He’s the kid who has it all balanced out. Guys want to be him and girls want to be with him. His chill to pull ratio is a solid 5:5, and we haven’t seen a ratio like that since McCoy was in the frat. #Amurica

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