10 Types Of Students That Piss Me Off (3)

6.) Freshmen Watch

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These are the groups of upperclassmen that stereotype the Freshmen and claim they can “smell fresh meat from a mile away.” They often see themselves as never being Freshmen in their entire lives. They can’t seem to recall their first year of college because obviously it didn’t exist because why would anyone dare to be a Freshman in college. Just focus on your studies and your partying Freshmen Watch, and everyone will start hanging out with you again, I promise.

5.) The “Unique Transportationists”

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These are the kids that almost run you over in the quad and break your ankle. There isn’t a unicycle/hoverboard/ripstick/rollerblade lane for a reason. That reason being so you keep your unique mode of transportation at home with the rest of your desires to be different in a world where being different is conforming.up-next-page


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