10 Ways to Handle Your Final Projects/Papers

We’re all in the midst of finishing those last few things for our classes before the dreaded finals begin. It’s stressful and we all just want to go back home and have time to get into the holiday cheer, but here’s a few ways to get you going on those papers and projects.

10. Take breaks- Whether it’s 10 minutes every hour, or doing 3 hours of work with the reward of an episode of your favorite show, just remember you need to give your brain a break here and there. I know it’s hard when you think of how much you have to get done, but trust me you will produce much higher quality work when you are not constantly doing work.

9. Use your time wisely- However, do not take these breaks for granted. If you tell yourself you will be on your phone for 10 minutes each break do not extend it each time accidentally. Not only will you be getting less done, but it will feel like you’re spending more time on your work, making it more grueling.

8. Change locations- Do not lock yourself in your room for countless hours. Get up and walk to the library, or your favorite quiet spot on campus. Being in the same place for so long can also stop you from doing work to the best of your ability, and your body will thank you for moving after so many hours of sitting.

7. See your friends- I know it seems crazy to think you can make time to hangout with your friends, but we are human and we still need interaction with others to boost ourselves up. You may feel the need to be alone during this hard time, but spending just a little time hanging out with your friends, even if it’s just talking about your stresses can make you feel so much better.

6. Make a list- The last thing you want to do is forget about an important paper or project. I have a sticky note on my desktop, so I can see it any time I need it. Put the more important or sooner due dates in bold too. The best feeling is finally deleting the assignments one by one.


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