100 Things All College Students Learned Their Freshman Year

Written By: Madison Gouveia

1. I miss home way more than I thought

2. “There aren’t as many cute guys as I thought/wanted”

3. “Alcohol is addicting and school is HARD”

4. “It absolutely sucks being under 21”

5. “I used to think I hated my mom but I realized how much I love her”

6. “Dining hall food gets old real fast and popcorn is my best friend”


8. “Living with someone is hard and sucks and you have to adjust but it can also be the greatest thing ever”

9. “Netflix is life”

10. “my mom’s homemade dinners are actually good and I miss them and like her more now”

11. “living with someone is seriously the best and worst thing”

12. “blacking out is never a good idea because you don’t know anyone or remember anything and that’s scary”

13. “Missing a night out to study is ok because you do better on a test and no one actually knows you at the party (besides the six people you went with) so no one actually cares if you’re there or not”

14. “that boy you thought was cute when you were drunk isn’t actually cute.. at all.. and he was a bad kisser”

15. “girls aren’t as mean as high school girls”

16. “girls will always be bitches”

17. “if you drink the concoction he just stirred up for you you’ll probably feel a little funny”

18. “most importantly, I miss my dog”

19. “I find myself on Facebook and iphoto looking at high school pictures missing it terribly even though I hated it when I was there. But I’ve learned to appreciate the moment I’m in”

20. “the library is always a good idea and don’t convince yourself the lounge will be better to write that paper because you’ll end up online shopping and having a sing along to the frozen soundtrack”

21. “‘just one more shot’ probably wasn’t your best idea”

22. “cherish the silence of home because there are no fire drills there”

23. “showers are gross and when you go home for the weekend you’ll actually feel weird not wearing shoes but it’s great”

24. “walking through campus in basketball shorts and Tory Burch flats in the morning usually isn’t something to be proud of”

25. “Always do the extra credit (because it’s fucking rare and you’re probably failing anyway)”

26. “Nobody in college cares what you do so you can wear whatever you want and be yourself and still have friends”


28. “Professors don’t care who you are but if you take the time to introduce yourself and go to office hours it’ll make your life so much better and put you on their good side”

29. “you only have four years here so you should be going out on a Wednesday night”

30. “Professors are willing to grade you easier or help you more if you go to office hours. Seriously, it helps.”

31. “my TA was hot but idk might’ve been weird to ask for his number” <– I’m not sure that this actually counts as learning something

32. “Go to office hours. Professors don’t bite”

33. “Class isn’t like.. optional”

34. “If you want to crack a beer on a Tuesday you can cause nobody’s telling you no”

35. “get a job because your wallet all of a sudden rips and you lose ALL of your graduation money”

36. “If a party sucked one night just breathe because there will be like 4 other parties to go to tomorrow”

37. “Talk to people about buying books because the $350 I spent on four books for anatomy wasn’t worth it and I didn’t even use them”

38. “make friends in your classes so you can study together or get notes from each other if one of you can’t quite make it to that 9 a.m. on a Friday”

39.  “beer is always the answer”

40. “If you go to school with people you are already friends with, try to branch out first semester. They will always be your friends but it’s harder to make new friends later on”

Dumbest list ever. Made by an idiot and designed for idiots who don’t care about their college career. “make as many bad decisions as you can” LOL no thanks

Madison Gouveia needs to get cancer

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