11 Ways To Stay Organized In Your Online Classes

Online classes can be quite the struggle when trying to stay up to date with them, along with your other classes. You may constantly forget a due date, what the homework was, the directions aren’t as clear, or you’re just lazy. Or you actually forgot you’re taking an online class. Having an online class can be a good thing though, you’re able to work around your busy college schedule (of partying) and you don’t even have to get ready for class. But if you’re not staying on task or staying updated, your online won’t be as great anymore.

11. Use The Library- Go to the library (yeah ugh the library). It’s quiet, you can be alone, work in study groups, and you won’t have as many distractions as you would in the dorms or your apartment.


10. Sticky Notes- Sticky notes are your best friend, keep them in your planner, book, desk, and on your computer. Leave little notes for what’s due, when tests are, or meet-up dates for class.

9. Use Your Book/Internet- If you’re given and online test, quiz, or midterm.. USE YOUR BOOK. Or notes, or Google. Google will be your best friend when taking online quizzes, especially if you haven’t read your book. You’ll need them.

8. Print Out Syllabus/Schedule- Print out a copy of your class expectations and a schedule to know the order of materials you’ll be learning. Your schedule should also have your homework, projects, and tests listed too; that way you’re not checking your computer 24/7.  That way you’re helping yourself, and you don’t even know it.
to do

7. Find Friends- Look up your class roster (yeah creepy) but you can find out if you have any friends in the class, if not make some! Having other people help keep you on task when you’re falling behind will help you big time! You’ll also have people to do homework, study, and text when you forget what was due and you don’t have your computer.

6. Use A Planner- Write all your due assignments down in a planner and when they’re due (duh).

5. Cellphone/Computer- Put reminders in your phone or computer; not just your planner. Having alarms or notes will help you just as much as using a planner (maybe even more cause you’re always on your phone).

4. Make A Routine- Adjusting to a routine to do all your online work at the same time each week is really helpful. So, Monday and Tuesday at 4 pm. When you log on at the same time and day each week it becomes a routine, and that way you can most likely finish your work in the beginning of the week and be online-free for the rest! (this helps with regular classes too)
3. Meet Up With Your Teacher- If you’re confused and unclear of the objectives for your online class, meet up with your teacher or even a tutor! They’ll help you and keep on track and tell you where you need to be… Or don’t ask for help (your call).

2. Meet Up With Friends- Take advantage of your friends who may be in the same online class, get together and work on homework, or take online quizzes and tests together. You’ll get different opinions besides just your own and Google.

1. Check E-Mail- YOU MUST stay up to date with your school e-mail, online assignments change all the time! And sometimes your teacher might even schedule a day for the class to all meet up.

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