11 Ways To Have The Best Recruitment Possible: Appstate Edition (3)

5. Don’t take cuts personally

Cuts are one of the hardest things about recruitment, but they’re so important. It hurts to get your list before a round and see that XYZ isn’t on it, even though you were ready to accept a bid from them after one conversation. Remember that this is a mutual process and just because you may think you’ll fit into a group perfectly, sisters may think differently. They aren’t cutting you because they hate you or because of the dress you wore or because you accidentally coughed during a video, they’re trying to find women who fit the best into their group.

4. Your friends are different people with different opinions

DO NOT cut or keep a group because your friend or roommate is choosing to. Everyone is different and just because you get along doesn’t mean that you’ll find a home in the same group. If you love XYZ and they love ABC it’s ok! The saddest, but most important, story I can tell you happened during my recruitment:

A girl in my Rho group came out of round 3 absolutely in love with Alpha Alpha Alpha and she was so excited that they had brought her back for preference night. She was talking to a group of us, all comparing our pref lists, when another girl said “Why would you want Alpha Alpha Alpha? They’re were so awkward and like no one wants a bid from them?” She was so devastated and upset about some random persons opinion that she dropped out of recruitment all together.

Choose groups you love, not ones you think you SHOULD love.

3. Tiers don’t exist, and they definitely don’t matter

No house at Appalachian is better than another. Every group has strengths and weaknesses. They all mix with great fraternities. They all have wonderful sisterhoods. Don’t be that PNM who wants “the best house”, go in wanting the best for you.


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