12 Ice Cream Hacks That Will Change Your Life


1. Run a sharp knife under hot water and cut a checkerboard one inch deep in the ice cream

ice cream hack cut with knife




2. Make an Ice Cream Sandwich

ice cream sandwich food hack



3. Keep Ice Cream soft in a bag

ice cream hack plastic bag



ice cream hack cookie bowl



5. Ice Cream-Frosted Cupcakes

ice cream hack frosted cupcakes



6. Pre-Scoop ice cream for a party and keep in the freezer

ice cream hack cupcake tray



7. Cut ice cream with a knife

ice cream hack parties knife



8. Create an Oreo topping

ice cream hack oreo topper



9. Cinnamon Roll Ice Cream Sandwich

ice cream hack cinnamon roll


Cut a cinnamon roll in half before baking!


10. Oreo Ice Cream Combo

ice cream hack oreos


Add one scoop of ice cream to the middle of an oreo then roll in sprinkles.


11. Make ice cream into bread

ice cream hack bread



12. Finish an almost-gone jar of Nutella with ice cream

ice cream hack nutella




VIA Smosh.com 

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