12 Life Hacks That Will Change The Game Forever! #5 Has Already Helped Me (2)

8. On hot days, use coozies on hot leather stick shifts so you don’t burn your hands! You’ll always have an extra coozie on hand too!97-use-a-coozie

7. The wifi password for iHop is P@ncake1, you’re welcome.free-meal-at-ihop

6. When you’re fighting with a significant other, suck helium during your argument and the first one to laugh loses.640_HELEN_MIRREN_HELIUM

5. Always keep a blanket, a $20 bill, a first-aid kit and a bottle of vodka in your trunk. You never know when you’ll need a little warmth, extra cash, something to cure the pain, or a Band-Aid!tumblr_m1eiwiucYT1r31apmo1_500

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