12 Reasons Why Having A Dog Is The Perfect Stress Reliever (2)

6. We spend most of our time laughing at our dogs whether its because of something silly they did or because we dressed them up in a funny costume.

5. Their tail wagging and their excitement whenever we come home, how could that not make you happy even if you’ve had the shittiest day.

4. Dogs can sense when their owners are sad, upset, or stressed and they will do everything they can to change that.

3. Your dog feels welcome at home, he is part of your family which also means he like for you to share whatever you’re eating.

2. There is no reason to feel lonely, puppies are great for people who are depressed because they can get them out of their funk.

1. Although dogs can be not only a lot of work and maintenance, and can also add to the expenses, no one else will love you as much as your dog. “You’ve got a friend in me.”

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