12 Things That You Can Never Unsee

We live in a world that is filled with exposure. There are some things we need to see and others, we simply want to see out of curiosity. However, there are times when we see things that we want to see, but we wished we hadn’t. Unfortunately, the image will forever be embedded in our brain. Here are 12 things that you can never unsee.

12. Your roommate doing “it.”

Sometimes you just want to not see stuff. This is one of the things you never want to witness.


11. Insane, crazy brows. It’s literally something that you can never erase from your mind.

Sometimes people get so creative with their makeup that you wonder if they’re human or alien beings.


10. When your parents hint that they have a sexual life.

You know they had to do it, but that doesn’t mean you want to have the visual floating around in your head.


9. People who clearly have no business in a thong. 

Everyone has the right to express themselves, but sometimes your self-expression hurts others more than you care to realize.


8. The scary maze.

Does anyone remember the scary maze? It was one of those times you wished you weren’t so curious.


7. The time someone told you to Google “2 Girls, 1 Cup.”

One of those times you shouldn’t click a link, Google search or take a suggestion from a friend. Do. Not. Do. It! Don’t do it!



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