15 Things Everyone From A Small Town Understands

If you’re used to having one movie theater, about four stores, and your graduating class fit in one classroom, you understand what it is like to grow up in a small town. Although you didn’t live the fast life, there is nothing quite like growing up in a small town. You learn to enjoy the little things in life, but there is also a whole other world out there!

15. Outsiders have never heard of where you are from, so instead you answer by saying how far it is from the closest big city.


14. But they make you tell them anyways and then proceed to tell you they have never heard of it.


13. There is zero nightlife. Unless you’re not afraid of going to sketchy bars, everything else closes by 9:30 pm!


12. Parking is never an issue! Everyone can have four spots and there is still room.


11. There is nothing else in your town to be proud of so team sports are EVERYTHING.



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