15 Thoughts During My First Month of College (2)

12. “Ooh, Free T-Shirt!” There is always a way to obtain a free t-shirt when on campus. This is quite literally the most fought for item between college kids, except maybe free food. If there was a chance to get a t-shirt, it didn’t matter what I had to do I was on it.


11. “I Have No Friends.” Well, you just got here, and you know no one. Go out and make some! It sounds cheesy, and you hear it all the time, but it’s the best advice you can take: get involved! Find something you like to do, or find anything to do just so you can meet people. If you actually leave your dorm room, during welcome week especially, you will meet so many people and have so many opportunities to find friends because of it.


10. “I Have SO Much Time On My Hands.” That may be true now, but that’s about to change. Exams will begin, you’ll start sticking with the clubs and things you REALLY like, and then you’ll be the busiest bee you’ve ever been. I couldn’t count on both of my hands how many times I found myself sitting alone in my dorm watching Netflix that first month wondering what I was doing with my life. Enjoy the sleeping in while you can, because college isn’t near as great if you don’t go out and experience things. Soon you’ll be attending meetings, going to work, volunteering, etc. Having free time is great, it’s awesome, but just be aware that you’re is the very definition of “subject to change” during your first month (even your first semester).


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