15 “Totally College” Experiences You Will Have During Your Freshman Year 3

5. You become a vegetarian for a few weeks.

It’s a phase.  We all go through it.  It’s so totally college.

4. You protest something just because you can.

Have you ever seen a protest on a college campus?  There’s like a dozen people there who are really passionate and angry about whatever’s going on, and everyone else is just wondering what they’re doing there.

3. You have really bad sex with someone you don’t even know.

You’ll laugh about it someday, but immediately after it happens, you just have to cringe.

2. You eat Top Ramen out of a vessel that isn’t a bowl.

A coffee mug, a takeout container, a saucepan, a plate…

1. You wonder if you’re a “real adult” yet.

If it’s any consolation, I’m 25-years-old and I still wonder this.

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