15 Types of College Classes Everyone Has 3

5. The One With The Clueless Professor

Not all instructors are well-respected. Some are just adjuncts, or grad students, or, even, unqualified. You will most certainly have at least one class taught by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing.

4. The One That Wants To Be Inspiring

While some classes do stir your soul up, others aren’t that exciting, but the professor in charge will try to touch your soul anyway. It won’t work.

3. The One That Sounded Too Interesting To Ignore

College courses can get pretty specific, and you’ll often come across one in the catalog that seems too bizarre not to look into. Intro to Victorian Age Calc Rhetoric? Sign me up!

2. The One That Was A Waste Of Money

Not all classes impart valuable information or skills. Some just slip through the institutional cracks, providing students with no additional knowledge. This is that class.

1. The One That Is Way Too Late

You know what we mean. This Friday evening class that keeps you from getting ready for a party. You’ll never be able to focus on it, no matter how interesting it could be; you’ll simply want to get out and start having fun.

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