Sixteen Signs That You Are Part of the Harry Potter Generation

The Harry Potter series has been such a phenomenon for individuals of all ages.  It touched the lives of so many, that it has literally created its own generation – the Harry Potter generation.

You Know What Hogwarts House You Are In

You feel your house within your soul, and no sorting hat test can convince you otherwise.

You Also Judge Other People, Based On Their Houses

“You are such a Hufflepuff.” – A Thing You Have Said, Probably

Your Face When People Say They Just Saw The Movies

When Twilight vs Harry Potter Was A Thing, You Got Hype

Team Potter 5ever.

You Have Googled the Pros and Cons of Having a Pet Owl

You LIVE For Harry Potter Weekends

Bless you, Freeform, formerly known as ABC Family.  Thanks for finally getting the Goblet of Fire.  ‘Preciate it.

You Know the Correct Pronunciation of “Wingardium Leviosa”

“It’s levi-OH-suh, not levio-SAR”.

You Are Still Suffering From the Trauma of So Many Character Deaths

Honestly, the final battle for Hogwarts is emotional whiplash.


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