16 Tips For Dating During College 4

4. Exes of friends should generally be off limits.

It’s an archaic rule, but it’s been around for so long for a good reason.  It almost always leads to trouble.

Photo Credit: Wikia

Photo Credit: Wikia

3. Dating someone on your dorm floor is also a bad idea.

If you break up, you’ll always be running into each other, people will whisper, and it will be really uncomfortable.

Photo Credit: Gurl

Photo Credit: Gurl

2. Don’t forget your friends.

Dating and being in love is fun, but remember your friends are just as important as your significant other.  Don’t abandon them because you’re caught up in a new romance.

Photo Credit: Wikia

Photo Credit: Wikia

1. If dating life is stressing you out, you’re doing it wrong.

At this time in your life, dating should be a fun, social experience.  It shouldn’t be causing you stress or making you sad.  If it is, you should sit down and evaluate whether it’s worth the anguish.

Photo Credit: Giphy

Photo Credit: Giphy

IMAGES: The Needs | WordPress | Tumblr | MTV | We Heart It | Good Reads | Wikia | Gurl | Giphy

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