17 Things That Were Better As A Kid (3)

8. Lockers

book books read reading lockers

Every movie I have ever watched about high school, people spend SO MUCH TIME at at their lockers.  People laugh, cry, fight, fall in love, and find who they truly are – all in front of their lockers.  As it turns out, I used my locker approximately two times throughout my entire high school career, because backpacks are a thing.

7. Field Day

In hindsight, Field Day is the elementary school equivalent of Darwin’s survival of the fittest.  Fuck Field Day.  That is all.

6. Staying Up Late

Contrary to the thought process of my thirteen-year-old brain, staying up until four in the morning when you have school the next day does not make you one of the bad-to-the-bone cool kids.  If it’s a week day and I’m not asleep before midnight, something is very wrong.

5. Blue Eyeshadow

Oh, ninth grade yearbook, why have you forsaken me in this way?


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