18 Reasons Why You Can’t Wait For Summer

We all love our friends, activities, and even some of our classes at school. However, that doesn’t mean we’re not ready to go back home for an awesome summer. Even if summer isn’t your favorite season, or you like being away from home more, there’s still plenty of reasons why you’re excited to finish another year of school and have a few months off.

18. No exams/papers- Free from the stress of work from all of your classes piling up!

17. No more shower shoes/caddy- You will finally be able to fully enjoy your showers without uncomfortable flip flops on and worrying if you forgot to put the shampoo in your caddy before getting in the shower. You may still have to wait for the shower at home, but at least you can yell at them to hurry up.

16. Home-cooked food- Ah, no more dining hall food. You can once again eat what you want when you want it and not be scared about what went into your meal.

15. Your car- If you don’t have your car at school you can’t wait to be able to get places again without hassle. If you did have your car though, you’re still happy to drive where you almost always know how to get somewhere.

14. You get your bedroom back- No more jumping to get on your bed, plus your mattress at home is way better. And as much as we may love our roommates, we’re still excited for having some quiet when we want it.


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