20 Alternate Ways to Show Someone You Appreciate Them (5)

3. Never cancel your plans. If you have plans together then always do your best to follow through with them and make sure you’re on time. Only cancel them if you absolutely have to.


2. But if you have to cancel plans, make sure you make it up to them. If you have to cancel you should always reschedule your plans or have a way of making it up to them. If you simply blow it off and act as though it doesn’t matter that you cancelled it’ll come off as though you don’t care about them at all, but making up for it will show that you genuinely care.


1. Always be honest and straightforward with them. It’s a lot easier to be up front with someone and tell them what you’re really feeling than lying to them and having to explain later on if they find out the truth. Sometimes your honesty might not be the happiest, but they’ll recognize that you value them enough to be straightforward and they’ll return the favor.



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