20 Things You Need To Accept About Your Twenties

7. You’re going to misjudge people. Don’t beat yourself up over trying to see the good in someone.

6. When you do find your person, they aren’t going to be perfect. Your relationship or marriage will be hard sometimes. It isn’t about thinking someone is perfect, it’s about knowing that they are perfect for you. You need to marry your best friend, not your “dream” man or woman.

5. Your body is going to change. Whether its due to having children or not having enough money for a gym membership, you’re not always going to look 20. I repeat from #4, you’re beautiful. Your body is supposed to change just like everything else in life does.

4. You’re going to fall on your face multiple times. This could from a relationship or job or really anything, but it will happen. You have to brush yourself off and learn from your mistakes.

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