20 Things That Put The Zona Into Arizona

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1. The Rec

Arizona’s rec cen­ter is among the finest in the nation. That also means it’s one of the busiest. Go at the right time and you’ll have your­self a nice work­out. Go at the wrong time and you’ll find your­self with no equip­ment to use, while frat bros stare at the mir­ror doing bicep curls. Oh and if you’re look­ing for a sam­ple of Arizona’s beau­ti­ful women, this is the place to be (check the car­dio equipment).

2. High­land Burritos

If you go to the UofA and haven’t had one of these yet, fig­ure it out. These bur­ri­tos are gen­er­ally loved by any and all who eat them. Even if you need to be ham­mered to eat one your­self, few things sound more appe­tiz­ing at 2am after a long night of going out. Yeah, occa­sion­ally you might end up wait­ing for 45 min­utes, BUT it’s all worth it in the end plus there’s a boat­load of peo­ple there to hang out and see.

3. The Library and Finals

So it’s the end of a long semes­ter and you’ve got one week until you’re back home and see­ing all the high school friends. The only thing in your way is four to five finals and bam you’ll be on a break. To study for these tests you fig­ure you’ll head to the library and study. Except the prob­lem is when you get there at 7pm, the entire build­ing is packed. It hap­pens every semes­ter, but who’s sur­prised? We all know that this school is known for its aca­d­e­mics right?

4. Bur­sars

At the begin­ning of each semes­ter, we have the lux­ury of spend­ing up to $1000 at the book­store and hav­ing it added to our tuition account (hope­fully to be paid by our par­ents). Although the school offers this option of pay­ment as a route to acquire text­books, they also con­ve­niently sell every­thing from Beats head­phones, to Ari­zona apparel, and even Ipads. Best part is, the charges show up on the bill to par­ents as “book­store charge of $xxx.” But the good news for par­ents is the only thing their kids are buy­ing are solely for edu­ca­tional purposes.

5. ASWho?

Even if you don’t go to the UofA, you know ASU is scum. I don’t think I’ve ever wit­nessed any more hate towards an estab­lish­ment from the gen­eral pub­lic as much as UofA hates ASU. How on earth can you like them? Mus­tard yel­low and maroon might be the absolute most repul­sive color scheme from any uni­ver­sity on this planet. And what on earth is a Sun­Devil? A devil in the sun? Really creative!

Any­ways. All jokes aside, every­body at the UofA has a col­lec­tive opin­ion about that school up north. You’ll most likely hear a “F*ck ASU” chant at 75% of par­ties, or get atti­tude from any wild­cat when you assume they mean ASU when they say “I go to Arizona.”

Even Urban­dic­tionary knows.

6. Your Greek Orga­ni­za­tion Is or Has Been Under Inves­ti­ga­tion For Hazing.

 Luck­ily for every­one, “the Uni­ver­sity of Ari­zona does not believe in haz­ing within the greek system.”

7. Coro­n­ado & AzSo

For any­one, fresh­man year is nuts, it really is. How­ever if you’re for­tu­nate enough to live in Coro­n­ado or AzSo, your col­lege expe­ri­ence will be auto­mat­i­cally 10x bet­ter. Coro­n­ado, also known as the 9 floors of whores is the best dorm to be in if you’re look­ing to have fun. You’ll get used to all of the UAPD cars out front, along with the occa­sional ambu­lance. Check­ing your friends in at the front desk on week­end nights is manda­tory, mean­ing if you’re too drunk to stand, they won’t let you up. AzSo is just as crazy, and almost bet­ter because theres no check­ing in non­sense. Plus the PSU is right there, and we all know about Bagel Talk.

The dorms on High­land are pretty cool as well because in addi­tion to Likins,they’ve got the Rec right there along with the High­land Mar­ket. If you live in Graham-Greenly, Hopi, Manzi-Mo, Yuma, Kaibab or any of those other dorms I sug­gest you ask for a hous­ing refund.

8. Pool Par­ties

Pool party sea­son is gen­er­ally 5 of the 9 months of the school year with the break being mid Novem­ber­ish — Marchish (essen­tially dur­ing bas­ket­ball sea­son). Whether its a party at the Sea­sons or Retreat, going to a pool party at Ari­zona is dif­fer­ent than any other kind of party at all. For one nobody actu­ally gets in the pool, and if its at the Sea­sons, the water ends up turn­ing brown…somehow. The Retreat par­ties are a bit more fun because every­one has friends who live there and each house basi­cally has it’s own thing going on. Ari­zona pool party videos made by I’mShmacked have over one mil­lion views on YouTube, if you haven’t seen them yet go kick rocks.

9. You’ve Almost Died Walk­ing To Class

Or you’ve seen some­one eat dirt while rid­ing a bike/skateboard. Either way, walk­ing on the mall is always an adven­ture. And when it rains all the bikes end up look­ing like:

10. Zon­a­Zoo

The row­di­est stu­dent sec­tion in the PAC-12. That’s us. Foot­ball sea­son brings a solid amount of com­mit­ment to the zoo with room for 10,000 stu­dents a game, and the spirit is unreal, from body paint to rush­ing the field against Ore­gon, Wild­cats get it done. How­ever bas­ket­ball sea­son is what we live for. Being #1 ranked in the NCAA for 9 weeks of the 2014 sea­son, no won­der there were riots once we were elim­i­nated in the tournament.

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