20 Types of Neighbors You’ll Meet in College Dorms

While having roommates can be tough, sometimes the worst part of dorm life can be sharing a paper thin wall with an obnoxious neighbor.  In your college years, you’re more than likely to be living next door to one of these 20 people:


20. The Annoying Laugher

laughter gif

They’re obnoxious, loud, and think EVERYTHING is funny.

19. The Yeller

yelling meme

Because although their roommate is five feet away, it is necessary to talk as loud as possible.

18. The TV Addict

johnny bravo tv

Why do homework when you could sit on your bed all day with the volume all the way up?

17. The Bad Musician

guitar guys

Believe me, NO ONE wants to hear your guitar.

16. The Dance Major

maddie tap dance

You cant possibly tell me there is nowhere else on campus to practice your tap routine.

15. The Sex Machine

sex meme

Moaning and bed-creaking is exactly what everyone wants to hear while they’re trying to sleep.

messy room

So that’s what that smell is…

13. The Overenthusiastic Video-Gamer

gaming guy

They’ve reached the next level of annoying.

12. The Hermit

hermit meme

Silence: the best kind of neighbor.

11. The Party Room

rave party

How exactly do they manage to cram ten friends into their room every night?

10. The Person who has Never Heard of Headphones

spongebob headphones

Because the entire hallway really loves the same music as you.

glee GIF

We all sing to our favorite songs, but when your voice is louder than the song itself, it’s gone too far.

8. The Snorer


Time to move my bed to the other side of the room.

7. The High-Pitched Voice

miley shut up

Please, just stop talking.

6. The Loud Alarm


Why does it always take them five whole minutes to turn it off?

5. The Live-in Significant Other

cuddle couple

Doesn’t at least one of you have homework, class, or other friends?

wall kicking

I’ll never understand why people bang on the wall for no reason.

3. The Interior Decorator

table flip

Is it that hard to not move your furniture in the middle of the night?

2. The Stinky Chef

mr krabs

Whatever you’re cooking, we can smell it from down the hall.

1. The Door Slammer


During the day, fine.  While I’m sleeping, not cool.

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